Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Too Early

Ever catch somebody in the morning and you can just tel that they had a rough night. LOL!

Slender Spiderman!!

Slender Man decided to go through Peter Parkers closet while he was in his afternoon classes at the university

Fat Spidey...

Wanted to do a funny pic with a marvel character, and this is what i came up with. LOL!

Spidey Sense Burning?!

Spiderman comes to the rescue of an unconscious civilian a burning building


Up late one night decided to start a watercolor styled art style, well see how long this lasts

Demigaud Shirt Concept

Was brainstorming about some original shirt ideas heres what i have so far.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Some sketches of the ninja turtles that i did over the weekend, for my cousins little kids so that they could color them.


Big man chillin at the beach, playin hookie from work.